CPRE Staffordshire, the countryside charity, has recently received funding from national CPRE’s Hedgerow Heroes project. We have ambitious plans to plant up to 4km of hedgerow around Staffordshire over the autumn and winter.
We are now on the look-out for suitable sites where we could organise volunteer planting events. If your parish council is aware of any land that might be suitable for hedge-planting, please do get in touch. Our funding would cover the cost of whips, tree guards, stakes, and tools. We would provide risk assessments and landowner partnership agreements and would be able to help with publicity and social media.
Further details can be found on the website
Sarah Burgess
Office & Publicity Manager
CPRE Staffordshire
2 Staffordshire Place
ST16 2DH
01785 278230
Registered Charity Number 219443