Blithfield Parish Council

Members of the Parish Council

The following Councillors were elected to serve Blithfield Parish until May 2023:

Peter Atkins (Chairman)
Anthony Vernon (Vice Chairman)
Stan Hulme
Phyllis Massey
Kevin Massey

Clerk to Blithfield Parish Council

Mrs F Shipley
Send email to the Clerk –
(01889) 500223
Manor Cottage, Manor Lane, Newton, Nr Rugeley, WS15 3PE

Meetings of Blithfield Parish Council

Meetings of Blithfield Parish Council are normally held on the first Thursday of each alternate month in Admaston Village Hall, School Lane, Admaston, starting at 7.00pm. The meeting dates are shown on the Events page.

Planning Application meetings are held when necessary and these are advertised on the Parish notice boards.

Residents of Blithfield Parish are welcome to attend these meetings and to participate during the session on Public Questions.

Blithfield Parish Council documents

Documents are available here as Adobe Acrobat files and have been grouped into folders according to type. Click on the folder title to show the documents within.

Minutes of Blithfield Parish Council meetings

You can display the list of minutes for any year by clicking on the relevant heading below.