Blithfield briefing 24/2
Welcome to the second news briefing from Blithfield Parish Council in 2024.
Anti-social behaviour in the Admaston Area: Unfortunately there has been an upturn in anti-social behaviour in the Admaston area, over the Blithfield Causeway and along B5013 towards Colton, this summer. Sgt Robbie Glanville and PC Joe Gates attended our last meeting on 11 July 2024. They are very aware of the problems we are having and are prioritising the area for patrols due to the number of reports they have received. The overriding message is ‘if you are aware of an issue, please report it’. If the crime is an emergency, dial 999 or visit .
Our local PCSO Chris Edwards can also be contacted by email
The parish council strongly advises caution and does not advocate any form of confrontation with those who are potentially committing crime.
Admaston Telephone Box: After all the work Cllr Kevin Massey had put in to restoring the telephone box to it’s former glory, following vandalism, it was particularly sad that an attempt was made to steal the telephone box on 23 February 2024. Due to a quick thinking and ‘eagle eyed’ resident of Admaston, the theft was interrupted. The telephone box is now safely in storage and plans are afoot to return it to it’s original postion with reinforced footings.
Superfast Fibre Broadband in Admaston: The parish council along with the help of resident Jon Wood continue to apply pressure where ever possible. We have reason to be hopeful that the work required to upgrade Admaston to Superfast fibre broadband will be contracted by the end of the summer. The parish council are very aware how frustrating this ongoing situation is.
Defibrillators: Paul Riley has been the custodian of the 2 parish defibrillators, situated by Admaston Village Hall and in the Newton telephone box, for a number of years. He has asked us to find someone to work with him in the short term, with a view to taking over the responsibility at some point in the future. Paul checks that the defibrillators are in working order once a month and reports this online when he has done it. If you think you could do this for your community, please contact the parish clerk: Fiona Shipley 07985156813 of
Litter Picking: It is hoped to arrange a litter picking event across the parish soon, with the support of East Staffordshire Borough Council who will supply the necessary equipment. We will need volunteers, please. Further details to follow.
Garden Waste Collection: East Staffordshire Borough Council have confirmed that they are introducing an ‘opt-in’ subscription based garden waste collection service, meaning only those who choose to pay to use the service will have their brown bin emptied. The consultation period ends on Sunday 18 August 2024. There is a survey you can complete at
D-Day 80th Anniversary Commemoration: On Sunday 9 June 2024 following the commemoration events of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, Jim and Alison Ross, who live in the parish of Blithfield, laid a wreath in Normandy on behalf of the parish. It was lovely that we could pay this tribute to those who lot their lives that day, and we are very grateful to Jim and Alison for enabling this to happen.
Next Parish Council Meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council will be at Admaston Village Hall on Thursday, 12 September at 7pm. All are welcome and if parishioners have any matters to raise please contact a member of the Parish Council or the Parish Council Clerk.
Parish Emailing List: The clerk would like to expand the parish council emailing list to include as many residents as possible. If you know of anyone who is not receiving mailings from us or you are reading this on the parish notice board, and have not received it by email, please do let the clerk have your email address using the email address below.
Visit our Parish Council Website: The website has agendas, meeting minutes, details of planning applications, news and much more for you to read.
Chairman: Cllr Peter Atkins, MBE, OStJ.
Vice Chairman: Cllr Anthony Vernon
Cllr Phyllis Massey
Cllr Stan Hulme
Cllr Kevin Massey
Parish Clerk Fiona Shipley:
Admaston Village Hall – dates for your diary:
Sept 9th. Horn Dance. We will be selling tea, coffee and cake at the Village Hall from 10 till 2
Sept 28th. Harvest Supper and photography competition. Come along and celebrate our lovely Parish and farming community. We will be having a hog roast from Sargents (Veggie option available) and puds and a raffle. Why not enter a photo for the competition “Parish Pictures” 7-7.30 start. Tickets are £12 and bring your own drink. Contact Joanne on 01889 500767 email or Alison on 07772895542 email
October 26th Admaston Arms pop up pub presents “Oktoberfest” with oompah lumpah Band. Come along and have a sing song and a beer! Bockwurst sausage and potato salad provided. Tickets £10 each and the bar will be open selling local beers. 7-7.30 start. Contact Joanne on 01889 500767 email or Alison on 07772895542 email
November 25th. Our annual Whist Drive £2.50 each to play with refreshments provided. 7-7.30 start. Contact Joanne on 01889 500767 email or Alison on 07772895542 email
December 14th. A Christmas get together with a quiz. Come along and have a jolly time with your friends (maximum 6 per team) Mulled Wine and Mince pie on arrival. We will also have a raffle. £2 each. Contact Joanne on 01889 500767 email or Alison on 07772895542 email
Also, if anyone has any old Christmas decorations that they would like to donate to the hall so we can decorate it for Christmas. Contact Joanne on 01889 500767 email or Alison on 07772895542 email