Blithfeld News Spring 2024


Welcome to the first news briefing from Blithfield Parish Council in 2024.


Action on Reservoir Causeway Racers: The S59 signs erected close to the Blithfield Reservoir Causeway have improved the situation regarding the anti-social behaviour in the area.  Unfortunately the issue has partially moved to the Admaston lay-by which is not encompassed by the signs.  The parish council continues to apply pressure to the various partners in the hope, further action can be taken.

New PCSO   The Needwood ward of which Blithfield is a part, has a new PCSO, PCSO 30170 Chris Edwards, he can be contacted by email  We are grateful for the help we received from PCSO Tim Leathers who has now moved on. You can find lots of information regarding crime and also report it on Staffordshire Police’s website

There has been a spate of farm and rural related crime in the area. PCSO 16930 Lucy Hadfield email, is the Rural and Wildlife coordinator.  She will carry out free security checks and offer advice to farms and small holdings if requested.

Admaston lay-by and telephone box:   The telephone box has now been repaired following vandalism and is looking very smart.  Councillor Kevin Massey spent many hours on this and we thank him for his pain staking efforts.  He will tidy up the Newton telephone box, over the summer when the weather is better and time permits.

White lines have been repainted on the road at the end of the lay-by, we have not however, managed to get ‘Giveway’ signs erected.

Superfast Fibre Broadband:   Since Newton and Dapple Heath were upgraded to superfast Broadband, the government have removed the voucher scheme which was in place.  There are a number of hurdles, which have stood in the way of Admaston being upgraded so far.  Contact has been maintained with Openreach and Staffordshire County Council and some news is expected in April 2024.  It is unlikely anything is going to happen quickly, but we will continue to maintain pressure and communication as appropriate, and hope we have some good news soon.  We are very grateful to Jon Wood, who continues to assist us with this matter.

Defibrillators:  To register your interest in a training session during summer 2024, please email the parish clerk. Remember the defibrillators can be found in the phone box at Newton and outside the village hall in Admaston.

Potholes:  The poor state of the roads in the parish has been noted by the parish council.  Although this is a national problem, we are trying to open a dialogue with the Highways division of the County Council in the hope we can apply pressure to get some of the worst problems repaired.  The parish clerk regularly reports pothole and highways issues to the Council.  You can also do this yourselves by using the link, click on ‘Highways’ and then ‘Report’.

Litter Picking:   It is hoped to arrange a litter picking event across the parish during the Spring, with the support of East Staffordshire Borough Council who will supply the necessary equipment.  We will need volunteers, please.  Further details to follow.

Dog Fouling:   You are reminded that dog fouling is an offence.  We urge you to please clean up after your dog not only around houses but when using public footpaths on farmland too.  Dog poo can be a danger to farm animals too.

Next Parish Council meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council will be at Admaston Village Hall on Thursday, 7 March at 7pm. All are welcome and if parishioners have any matters to raise please contact a member of the Parish Council or the Parish Council Clerk.


Visit our Parish Council Website:  The website has agendas, meeting minutes, details of planning applications, news and much more for you to read.                                                                                        

Contacts: Chairman: Cllr Peter Atkins, MBE, OStJ.                                                                 

Vice Chairman: Cllr Anthony Vernon

Cllr Phyllis Massey

Cllr Stan Hulme

Cllr Kevin Massey

Parish Clerk Fiona Shipley:

 Parish Email Address List:   The parish council would like to build a more complete list of parish residents’ email addresses, so that we can reach more of you this way.  It is the most quick and cost effective method of sharing news and notices.   Data protection rules mean we cannot share emails that are held by the PCC or Neighbourhood Watch with each other or anyone else. This newsletter will be displayed on the notice boards and emailed to the addresses we hold but we would be very pleased, if anyone who’s email address we do not have, could let the parish clerk  have it, so she can add you to our list.